DAI Qi-wen1,2, CHEN Jing-lian1, ZHENG Yan-qiao3
1. School of Economics and Management, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin 541004, China; 2. Guangxi University Key Laboratory of Digital Empowered Economy Development, Guilin 541004, China; 3. The Institute of Population and Labor Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing 100006, China
Abstract:Based on the theory of "stimulus-organism-response" (SOR), this paper establishes a conceptual model of homestay choice intention and analyzes the impact mechanism of choice intention of homestay tourists through structural equation modeling, with a focus on exploring the mediating effects of tourists' cognitive and emotional responses and the moderating effect of sharing economy platform information source. The conclusions are drawn as follows. The homey environment and interaction between host and guest enhance tourist's cognitive and emotional responses, homey function enhances tourist's cognitive responses, and tourist's emotional responses promote the intention to choose homestay. The cognitive and emotional responses of tourist are important mediators that affect the intention to choose homestays. The rating of homestay on online platforms positively moderates the relationship between tourists' cognitive response and behavioral intention. The impact analysis of homestay characteristics and online evaluations on tourists' choice intention provides a new explanatory perspective for the study of consumer behavioral intention, and expands tourism decision-making theory and signal theory.
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